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Prepositions in, on, at - test

29. 5. 2010

Vyberte správnou odpověď:

1, She will come ___ June.

* a) on
* b) in

2, He's not here at the moment. He'll come ___ five minutes.

* a) at
* b) in

3, Don't come ___ Christmas, we won't be at home.

* a) at
* b) in

4, We usually have breakfast ___ the morning.

* a) at

* b) in

5, Please, don't go to that discoteque ___ night.

* a) on

* b) at

6, We have a meeting here ___ the 15th of November.

* a) on

* b) in

7, There is usually very hot ___ the summer.

* a) in

* b) at

8, We weren't in the shop ___ Wednesday.

* a) on

* b) in

9, I was born ___ 1971.

* a) at

* b) in

10, She was in the street ___ five o'clock.

* a) at

* b) in

správné odpovědi:
